I highly recommend Krill Oil and Joint Warfare from Origin Maine. Krill oil is like fish oil. Krill oil is not scientifically proven to be better than fish oil, but I can feel the difference and there are many people who agree. I had a back injury plaguing me for 2 years. I rested it, took fish oil, and used icy hot. The only thing to help was Advil. Finally I found krill oil and joint warfare! I felt the difference in days and will never stop taking them (no more daily Advil). They can be used for bother some joints or preparation for younger athletes that put a lot of stress on their joints. They can be purchased at the links below. (The Jocko Krill Oil is not on Amazon. It can be found at Origin Maine)
Matthew Erlichman
Joint Supplements 2/17/2020
Updated: Feb 18, 2020